Recommendations for Improved Sea Ice ECV records

The KEPLER team have successfully submitted Deliverable 4.2 to the European Commission for approval.

This public report is a key outcome of the KEPLER project and specifically investigates the Sea Ice Essential Climate Variable (ECV), focusing on Climate Data Records (CDRs) and Climate information for the sea-ice Essential Climate Variable (ECV). It is noteworthy that D4.2 builds upon the Stakeholders and Users Requirements collected in WP1, the inventory of the CMEMS multi-year products (both reanalysis and satellite-based products), and the gaps identified there.

This report covers several aspects, such as:

  1. Introduce the WMO GCOS ECVs, and the Sea Ice ECV in particular.
  2. Report on the current implementation of the Sea Ice ECV in Europe.
  3. Outline ways to better serve the Sea Ice ECV from Europe (recommendations)- including consultation of the community of sea ice climate data-records producers.

Read the report below

Recommendations for improved sea ice ECV records *pending approval*

Lead Author: Thomas Lavergne (Met Norway)

Contributing Authors: Steffen Tietsche (ECMWF), Helge Goessling (AWI), Laurent Bertino (NERSC) and Gilles Garric (Mercator Ocean International.)

*Please note this document is pending approval from the EC

EU review completed

We have now been informed that the review of KEPLER by the EU and an external reviewer, from the UK Met Office, has now been accepted. Deliverables have been accepted, the website has been updated, and we are including additional work (from the original proposal) on including atmospheric components in WP5. We have added a new milestone, which we will upload soon, which will be a summary of the roadmap that will be delivered at the end of the project.

Our thanks to the reviewer and the EU for their time and efforts, and to WP leaders and all partners for their work in providing the report and presentations.

KEPLER Newsletter Summer 2020

Catch up on all the latest news from the KEPLER project in our  Summer 2020 newsletter. In this edition we cover the KEPLER review report, amendment request, events including YOPP 2020, KEPLER’s Mid Term Review meeting & Arctic Frontiers 2020. 
To receive future editions direct to your inbox, join our mailing list!

KEPLER Review Report

The KEPLER Project Review was completed in August 2020 and the EC review report has been distributed to work package leaders. We are now working on implementing the report recommendations and expert opinions.

We have received positive feedback and constructive advice for going forward with the project:
‘There looks to be good cohesion between the work packages in KEPLER with partners working together well on cross-WP, interdisciplinary activities.’

Alongside the review report, KEPLER has applied for an amendment to the project to extend the overall project length to 30 months. This 3 months extension will permit further work on deliverables and events disrupted by COVID-19. This amendment also includes the addition of a new milestone-

Milestone 27 (M5.4) Key draft outputs for Deliverable 5.2. Roadmap for end-to-end operational system for monitoring and forecasting the Arctic – creation of presentation slides for stakeholder use.

These are not yet finalised until the amendment has been submitted and approved. We will keep you posted. Any other changes required please contact the relevant WP leader in the first instance.

Deliverables available for download

We have uploaded our submitted deliverables which you can download from

Some deliverables were not intended to be publicly available, however we have uploaded a good number of these. If you have questions about the others (if there is no link then they’re submitted to the EC but not uploaded here) then please contact us