EU Polar Cluster – Integration

The EU Polar Cluster (formerly the EU Arctic Cluster) is a collaboration between several of the Arctic, Antarctic, Southern Ocean, and Polar projects, funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme

EU polarnet

We have used EU-PolarNet deliverables on stakeholder interactions to inform our questionnaires (WP1)

KEPLER WP1 planned the stakeholder questionnaires in conjunction with INTAROS. Together with INTAROS, KEPLER provided recommendations for the Polar Expert Group III for the coming Copernicus In-Situ component.

The survey for polar vessel survey requirements was created and disseminated in conjunction with ARICE and INTERACT.

The survey for polar vessel survey requirements was created and disseminated in conjunction with ARICE and INTERACT.









KEPLER participated in the Arctic Frontiers (see flyer), having a live broadcasted breakout session on “Evolving the EU Copernicus programme for the Polar Regions” and participation in the science section with a presentation of KEPLER and User Engagement.


Together with other EU Polar Cluster members ARICE, ARCSAR, ExtremeEarth with KEPLER organised a session in the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik 1700-1830, Friday 11th October in the Harpa Concert Hall. The session “Breaking the Ice: Cooperation for safe and responsible exploitation of Arctic sea routes” had the aim to showcase needs for collaborative science-industry approach in addressing accurate sea ice and weather predictions.