End-to-end operational system


Synthesis of the requirements collected in WP1 and the analysis provided by WP2 will feed into the following two tasks that make up WP5:

1) A vision of the future evolution of the Copernicus Services and including the analyses of WP3 and WP4 that feeds into the roadmap.
Status: Revision pending. The delivery report of task 5.1 addresses consistency and possible synergies between the different Copernicus elements to draw a vision for its future evolution. The deliverable for this task is available to view below, however, a revision is pending for Nov 2020.

2) Produce a roadmap for the implementation of an end-to-end operational system.

Status: Ongoing. The production of a roadmap is ongoing and will be finalised after the deliverables of WP 1 to 4 have been submitted. Ideas for the improvement of the Copernicus services based on ‘user stories’ have been developed and the identification of the R&D that is recommended to address these user requirements has been started. The first workshop was organised in Hamburg, Germany, on January 15th to 16th. A second workshop for the creation of the roadmap took place in October 2020 in Toulouse.


T5.1 Synthesis on the visions of the evolution of the Copernicus servicesLaurent Bertino
T5.2 End-to-end operational system roadmap.Frank Kauker


T5.1 addressed the consistency and possible synergies between the different Copernicus elements to draw a vision for its future evolution. WP5 reported on the linkages between the terrestrial and marine components sorted by “currencies” (e.g. freshwater, heat, carbon, nutrients), between the short-term (CMEMS, CLMS, EMS) and climate time scales (C3S), through links to projects such as CARRA (METNO). A draft inventory of the datasets used at the interfaces (indicating whether they come from Copernicus or not) has been circulated to partners discussed in internal and external meetings and consolidated. The report for this task was submitted, however a revised version is pending submission.

The T5.2 Roadmap towards a European end-to-end operational system for monitoring and forecasting of the Polar Region is in progress. It will synthesise the user requirements collected in WP1 and the analyses provided by work packages 2-4 into a roadmap for the implementation of an end-to-end operational system. The synthesis has been performed in several steps, first the analysis and recommendations of WP2 to WP4. Task leaders prepared summaries/facts sheets of the preliminary findings to discuss at the first internal project workshop, to draft the roadmap (Hamburg, Germany, January 2020). A second workshop with the same experts complemented by external experts was held in October 2020. The recommendations gathered at the second workshop are being compiled to create the final roadmap on an end-to-end operational system. The report for this task is pending.


ReportPublication DateStatus
D5.1 Synthesis on the visions of the
evolution of the Copernicus services

(revised version pending)
D5.2 Roadmap for end-to-end operational
system for monitoring the Arctic

Meetings attended

• KEPLER KO (Jan 2019) and Mid Term Review (November 2019, Barcelona)
• IICWG-XX (Copenhagen, Denmark 2019)
• WP5 workshop (Hamburg, 15-18th January 2020.)
• Second WP5 workshop (Toulouse, France, 19th to 22nd October 2020.)

WP5 Posts

WP5 Leader

Frank Kauker, OASys


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Snowchange Cooperative

Laurent Bertino, NERSC 

Thomas Lavergne, MET Norway 

Annette Samuelsen, NERSC 

Jiping Xie, NERSC 

Steffen Tietsche, ECMWF 

Gilles Garric, Mercator Ocean Intl. 

Corinne Derval, Mercator Ocean Intl. 

Marko Scholze, ULUND 

Eirik Malmnes, NORUT 

Carolina Gabarro, CSIC. 

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