Category: WP4

Thanks from KEPLER

As we wrap up the KEPLER project, the team would like to thank all participants in the project, both project members and those that have input to workshops and questionnaires and all other activities – we’re grateful for your efforts, which have contributed to… Continue Reading “Thanks from KEPLER”

Recommendations for Improved Sea Ice ECV records

The KEPLER team have successfully submitted Deliverable 4.2 to the European Commission for approval. This public report is a key outcome of the KEPLER project and specifically investigates the Sea Ice Essential Climate Variable (ECV), focusing on Climate Data Records (CDRs) and Climate information… Continue Reading “Recommendations for Improved Sea Ice ECV records”

Deliverables available for download

We have uploaded our submitted deliverables which you can download from Some deliverables were not intended to be publicly available, however we have uploaded a good number of these. If you have questions about the others (if there is no link then they’re… Continue Reading “Deliverables available for download”