Stakeholder needs and network coordination


Work package 1 provided KEPLER with a foundation of stakeholder information needs for Copernicus and the Polar Regions, including:

1) Develop a comprehensive understanding of the needs of maritime sector stakeholders.
Status to date: Complete. This subtask focused on collating user feedback from previous EU and ESA reports, surveys and workshops from 2008 – 2019 and incorporating new user feedback from surveys and workshops in 2019. The user community consisted of end-users operating in and around maritime activities using the information to support long-term planning and tactical decision-making. This strategy to include a culmination of all relevant user feedback from multiple sources allowed for this subtask to assess what has been previously been documented and requested from the user community and evaluate how current products and feedback have changed over the last approximately 10 years. See D1.1 below for further information and recommendations.

2) Investigate the requirements for land-based stakeholders in the Arctic.
Status to date: Complete. This subtask represented user needs from indigenous communities, snow monitoring, emergency services, and search and rescue. See D1.2 below for further information and recommendations.

3) Evaluate the needs for climate and weather forecasting.
Status to date: Complete. This subtask developed a survey composed of eight questions that were distributed to (i) a number of identified key experts and expert groups through personal request and (ii) the broader community through relevant email lists. Outcomes of the questionnaire, distributed in May 2019, were the main basis of Task 1.3. Deliverable 1.3 aimed to explore the polar observational needs of the weather, sea ice, and climate prediction communities. To this end, a questionnaire was developed for which 26 answers were received: 10 responses came from Ice/Marine Services (including private sector), 6 from Weather Services, 1 from a Forecast Research group, 7 from Satellite Production Research/Service groups, and 2 from groups associated with Copernicus Services. See D1.3 below for further information and recommendations.

4) Build an overall understanding of stakeholder needs that can be used to provide relevant information products (WP4) and define the requirements for an end-to-end operational system.
Status to date: Complete. This Subtask collated all stakeholder requirements from WP1, provided a summary of outcomes and recommendations and provided overarching information on the Stakeholder Userscape and definition of common terms used throughout end-user and intermediate user and data developer groups. This included describing definitions between the WMO operational and Copernicus operational terms. See D1.4 below for further information and recommendations.


T1.1 Maritime and Research Sector NeedsPenelope Wagner
T1.2 Community-based Observing and Societal NeedsTero Mustonen
T1.3 Climate and Weather Forecasting NeedsHelge Goessling
T1.4 Overall assessment of stakeholder needsPenelope Wagner


This work package (WP) was led by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norwegian Ice Service and included contributors from all European Ice Services, Land-based user researchers from social sciences, search and rescue and emergency services, and in product development sectors from Copernicus, ECWMF, Mercator Ocean, Nansen Center and others. This work package represents user needs and operational and downstream needs from the maritime sector, community-based users, upstream and intermediate users, including research, serving the climate and weather forecasting community. Work package 1 was separated into 3 subtasks by these three categories of stakeholder and end-user. This WP synthesized feedback from all subtasks in work package 1 focusing exclusively on stakeholder and end-user needs. The report evaluated specific parameters required by these groups, focusing on the general scales (spatial and temporal) based on their activities.

This work package investigated commonalities between user needs, scales, recommendations to determine how they have evolved and investigated what has already been done so far to address these needs from the operational services, space agencies, and the research community. The recommendations from subtasks 1.1-1.3 from KEPLER work package 1 provided to subsequent KEPLER work packages 2-5 which are currently evaluating these needs regarding the current state of Copernicus services, research and satellite capabilities and develop an end-to-end roadmap based on this feedback from the operational maritime community.

All four subtask reports were delivered on time by January 2020, D1.4 was reopened in June 2020 during the review report, a revised version of this deliverable is pending.


ReportPublication DateStatus
D1.1 Maritime and research sector needsJune
D1.2 Community based observing
and societal needs
D1.3 Climate and weather
forecasting needs
D1.4 Stakeholder requirements
synthesis (revised)


•Arctic Shipping Forum (Helsinki, Finland, April 2019): METNO, UKRI-BAS
• ESA Living Planet (Milan, Italy 2019): METNO
• IICWG-XX (Copenhagen, Denmark 2019): METNO
• Arctic Circle (Reykjavik, Iceland 2019): METNO
AECO General Meeting (Oslo, Norway 2019)
• KEPLER KO (Jan 2019) and Mid Term Review (November 2019, Barcelona)
• Arctic Shipping Summit (Hamburg, Germany 2019)
• Arctic Frontiers (Tromsø, Norway) 2020 – KEPLER side session: NERSC, ULUND
Svalbard Strategic Grant User needs workshop (online, Norway, 2020)
5th Arctic Observing Summit (AOS): (Akureyri, Iceland 2020) *postponed due to COVID-19*
• IAHR 2020 *postponed due to COVID-19

WP1 posts

WP1 Leader

Penelope Wagner, MET Norway  – Norwegian Ice Service

Snowchange Cooperative

Ole Jakob Hegelund, MET Norway 

Nick Hughes, MET Norway 

Thomas Lavergne, MET Norway 

Keld Qvistgaard, DMI,

Jaakko Seppänen, FMI,

Patrick Eriksson, FMI

Antti Kangas, FMI

Laurent Bertino, NERSC

Gilles Garric, Mercator Ocean Intl. 

Steffen Tietsche, ECMWF

Isabella Grönfeldt, SMHI 

Eirik Malnes, NORCE

Markus Eckerstorfer, NORCE

Helge Goessling, AWI

Svetlana Losa, AWI

Tero Mustonen, SNOWCHANGE Coperative

Kaisu Mustonen, SNOWCHANGE Coperative

Jan Saijets, SNOWCHANGE Coperative

Pauliina Feodoroff, SNOWCHANGE Coperativ

Stefan Mikaelsson, SNOWCHANGE Coperative

Camilla Brattland, SNOWCHANGE Coperative

Jevgeni Kirillov, Sámi Council


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