Category: WP7

Thanks from KEPLER

As we wrap up the KEPLER project, the team would like to thank all participants in the project, both project members and those that have input to workshops and questionnaires and all other activities – we’re grateful for your efforts, which have contributed to… Continue Reading “Thanks from KEPLER”

KEPLER Final Review

The  Final Review Meeting for KEPLER was held on Tuesday 13 July 09:00-13:00 BST The KEPLER Management Board (KMB) presented project results to the European Commission and the external reviewer. The KEPLER team were thrilled to receive  a positive assessment of the project output, and have… Continue Reading “KEPLER Final Review”

KEPLER Final General Assembly

The third and final KEPLER GA took place on 21st-22nd June 2021. Day 1 kicked off with a welcome and introduction from Nick Hughes, Project Co-ordinator. Day 1 also focused on work packages 1-5, with overview presentations on each subtask and plenty of time… Continue Reading “KEPLER Final General Assembly”

Registration for the Final General Assembly

Monday 21st June 2021 09:00 – 15:30 BST Zoom Please could you register using the link below. Once registered, we will send you the joining instructions. KEPLER Final GA – Registration Version 3 of the programme is available to view now, we have structured… Continue Reading “Registration for the Final General Assembly”

EU review completed

We have now been informed that the review of KEPLER by the EU and an external reviewer, from the UK Met Office, has now been accepted. Deliverables have been accepted, the website has been updated, and we are including additional work (from the original… Continue Reading “EU review completed”