Dissemination, training and engagement


The aim of this work package is to disseminate activities and results of the KEPLER project. This is achieved via a project website, social media, presentations at key conferences and events. To obtain user and stakeholder input to other work packages WP6 is responsible for the organisation of roundtable discussions and workshops, and dissemination of all KEPLER work package output to interested stakeholders and within tailored trainings.

Status: The dissemination of the project is an ongoing activity. WP6 have created the KEPLER website and social media channels, and we have presented at various conferences, and engaged with key stakeholder such as ESA and Copernicus.


T6.1 Establish an integrated communication plan.
Elaina Ford
T6.2 Communication tools
Elaina Ford
T6.3 Dissemination and exploitation
Nick Hughes
T6.4 Training
Cécile Thomas-Courcoux
T6.5 Best practice guide for research vessels and stations.
Jeremy Wilkinson


The goal of Copernicus is to serve the needs of its users and stakeholders for Earth Observation (EO) based data and information. To engage with these groups, both to understand their requirements and to provide them with information about the activities of Copernicus, the KEPLER project has 5 distinct tasks. These included:

Setting up an integrated communication plan (T6.1, D6.1) at the start of the project that covered both internal and external communications. This then guided the production of communications tools (T6.2) including the branding, online social media accounts, leaflets for the project, banners for events, and sending out newsletters.
A large component of the WP is dissemination and exploitation (T6.3). With the proliferation of conferences and workshops dedicated to polar and Arctic issues, and EO science the work was shared amongst the consortium. Side-sessions and project booths at relevant conferences were organized, together with some dedicated meetings, and this enabled KEPLER to have a high visibility.

Training (T6.4) consisted of an Arctic Marine training event hosted by MERCATOR OCEAN and FMI.
Dissemination and training activities have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 and are being rescheduled for later in the year and the first part of 2021.
The final component of the WP is the establishing of a best practice guide for research vessels and stations (T6.5, D6.5) to enable a better understanding of current Copernicus and EO information provision for tactical use.
T6.1 is closed, with remaining tasks ongoing and continuing until the end of the project.


ReportPublication DateStatus
D6.1 Communications planMar
D6.2 Project website and
social media accounts
D6.3 Dissemination and exploitation planMar
D6.4 Dissemination and exploitationJune
D6.5 Training materials and resultsJune
D6.6 Best practice guide for
EO information use

Meetings attended

• Arctic Frontiers 2019 (Tromsø, Norway, January 2020): METNO
• ARCSAR project kick-off meeting and Table-Top Exercise (TTX) (Rome, Italy, February 2019)
• Arctic Shipping Forum (Helsinki, Finland, April 2019): METNO, UKRI-BAS
• ESA Living Planet (Milan, Italy, May 2019): METNO, ILAB
• WMO JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice meeting (Geneva, Switzerland, May 2019): DMI, FMI,
• 9th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Data Assimilation and Verification (Bremen,
• IICWG-XX (Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2019): DMI, FMI, METNO, SMHI
• Arctic Circle 2019 (Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2019): METNO
• CMEMS Arctic Marine training event (Helsinki, Finland, November 2019): FMI, MERCATOR OCEAN
• 15th Arctic Shipping Summit (Hamburg, Germany, December 2019): METNO, DMI
• Arctic Frontiers 2020 (Tromsø, Norway, January 2020): METNO, NORCE, ULUND
• IIICWG-XXI (online, September 2020)• Arctic Circle 2020 (Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2020)
• 9th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Data Assimilation and Verification (Toulouse,
France, October 2020)
• EO for Polar Science Workshop (Copenhagen, Denmark 2020)

WP6 Posts

WP6 Leader

Nick Hughes, Programme Manager, Met Norway

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Elaina Ford, Programme Manager, BAS

Emma Armitage, BAS

Jeremy Wilkinson , BAS

Penny Wagner, Met Norway

Annette Samuelsen, NERSC

Astrid Brachar, AWI

Margareta Johansson, ULund

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