KEPLER Review Report

The KEPLER Project Review was completed in August 2020 and the EC review report has been distributed to work package leaders. We are now working on implementing the report recommendations and expert opinions.

We have received positive feedback and constructive advice for going forward with the project:
‘There looks to be good cohesion between the work packages in KEPLER with partners working together well on cross-WP, interdisciplinary activities.’

Alongside the review report, KEPLER has applied for an amendment to the project to extend the overall project length to 30 months. This 3 months extension will permit further work on deliverables and events disrupted by COVID-19. This amendment also includes the addition of a new milestone-

Milestone 27 (M5.4) Key draft outputs for Deliverable 5.2. Roadmap for end-to-end operational system for monitoring and forecasting the Arctic – creation of presentation slides for stakeholder use.

These are not yet finalised until the amendment has been submitted and approved. We will keep you posted. Any other changes required please contact the relevant WP leader in the first instance.

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