KEPLER Final General Assembly

The third and final KEPLER GA took place on 21st-22nd June 2021. Day 1 kicked off with a welcome and introduction from Nick Hughes, Project Co-ordinator. Day 1 also focused on work packages 1-5, with overview presentations on each subtask and plenty of time for questions and discussions. Participants were also invited to view some of the WP6 dissemination activities such as the KEPLER video and brochures.

Work Package leaders presented results from each work package team, highlighting key deliverables and events. Day 2 was an internal project meeting, to review feedback and collate actions for submission of final deliverables.  The KEPLER team would like to extend our thanks to all the speakers and attendees that made this final meeting a success.

The full report of the Final General Assembly (Deliverable Report 7.4) is available to view via the link below:

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