Category: News

COPERNICUS Marine Service Training Workshop for the Arctic Ocean

Both Rounds 1 & 2 of the Copernicus Marine Service Training workshop for the Arctic Ocean are now complete, with the debriefing session due to be held tomorrow morning at 09:30 UTC+1 Thankyou to all those involved in the organisation of this workshop, and… Continue Reading “COPERNICUS Marine Service Training Workshop for the Arctic Ocean”

KEPLER Survey – Early Career scientist workshop

We are pleased to announce that KEPLER is planning to host an Early Career Scientist Online Workshop for students and early career scientist in tentatively Mid-February 2021. To help us out forming the workshop and chose the topics, we would be grateful if you… Continue Reading “KEPLER Survey – Early Career scientist workshop”


Mercator Ocean international, Noveltis and KEPLER are organizing the Copernicus Marine Service Online Training Workshop dedicated to the Arctic Ocean on December 01 2020 – 9:30 am UTC+1. The online Copernicus Marine Training sessions have been designed to train existing as well as new Copernicus… Continue Reading “COPERNICUS MARINE SERVICE TRAINING WORKSHOP FOR THE ARCTIC OCEAN”

Recommendations for Improved Sea Ice ECV records

The KEPLER team have successfully submitted Deliverable 4.2 to the European Commission for approval. This public report is a key outcome of the KEPLER project and specifically investigates the Sea Ice Essential Climate Variable (ECV), focusing on Climate Data Records (CDRs) and Climate information… Continue Reading “Recommendations for Improved Sea Ice ECV records”

EU review completed

We have now been informed that the review of KEPLER by the EU and an external reviewer, from the UK Met Office, has now been accepted. Deliverables have been accepted, the website has been updated, and we are including additional work (from the original… Continue Reading “EU review completed”