KEPLER’s Best Practice Guide

KEPLER have produced a Best practice guide for Earth Observation information use by research vessels and stations. The aim of this is to ensure researchers that participate in science performed
from research stations (such as those within the EU INTERACT network) or ice-strengthened research vessels (such as those within the EU ARICE network) have the tools at their disposal to ensure that they are using best practice when accessing EO data whilst in the field.

To do this we have captured the knowledge of experienced users to ensure we have a better understanding of the challenges involved, but more importantly we provide a route to overcome these challenges so that we ensure the latest EO data are regularly retrieved and used by scientific field parties right across the Arctic.

Our hope is that this will lead to an increased up-take of EO data and products, thus providing enhanced and timely knowledge of the Arctic Environment. By doing so, the safety for Arctic operations is improved, and we ensure knowledge-based decisions are made that benefit both the scientists and the operators of the vessels and stations.

Use the links below to read/download KEPLER’s Best Practice Guide

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