This edition includes a recap of all KEPLER activities up to the end of the project, highlights from the Final General Assembly, the Review meeting and links to all deliverables and end of project dissemination activities. This also include links to digital versions of the final project brochures, as well as KEPLER conclusions and a closing statement from project co-ordinator, Nick Hughes.
To view previous editions, check out our newsletter archive here.
]]>End of project dissemination continues for KEPLER – this week, project Co-ordinator Nick Hughes presented KEPLER project highlights and main achievements at ESA’S Polar Science Cluster Collocation Meeting.
For more information check on ESA’s website below:
]]>In particular we wish to thank the WP leaders for pulling all the work together, in the deliverables, the dissemination outputs (see resources tab), and the draft periodic review report and final report.
Special thanks go to the Reviewer, and our two project officers from the EC, and colleagues from DG Grow, who have all read through the reports and outputs, and given input and support.
We won’t be leaving things there though, we hope to continue to disseminate our results over the coming months at events and conferences. We will also continue the legacy of KEPLER and collaborations and networks built, through the EU Polar Cluster.
]]>The platform is now live, check it out at – a direct link is also available via the menu above.
The Arctic Stakeholder Map database contains stakeholder interests from KEPLER, Copernicus and other relevant data streams*. The development of an Application Programming Interface allows users to access and display data in a visual map format, and view links to direct data sources for a more in-depth search.
*i.e. Fisheries, Search and Rescue, Research and Climate, Arctic shipping- including Icebreaker vessels, Government Agencies, Indigenous Communities, Tourism/Wildlife and Operational Weather Services.
Development and input of the map is ongoing, administrators continue to modify and add new items, external resources and CSV data. We hope that this map will be a legacy of the KEPLER project and plan for this platform to be utilised through other projects such as Arctic PASSION, and maintained by the EU Polar Cluster.
Further information about Arctic activities and linkages to the EU Copernicus programme can be found in the KEPLER Roadmap. The recommendations within the KEPLER roadmap aim inform the next phase of the Copernicus programme, aiming to improve information services, and tackle the issues facing users in polar regions.
We would love to hear your feedback about this new platform- you can get in touch via the contact button on the menu above.
]]>The full length version of the KEPLER video is now available to view and download here:
]]>Sámi subtitled version:
]]>In this workshop we will present our recommendations, and ask for feedback, with a focus on the maritime and research communities. This is an open workshop- we welcome you to join us!
Wednesday 19th May 2021 (13:30- 17:00CET) (12:30- 16:00 BST)
Please Register here for the event.
The full agenda is available to view here:
KEPLER Workshop – Maritime and Research sector needs
NB timings in CEST
]]>‘Enhancing Copernicus 2.0 information products through optimised usage of in-situ data’
Is now available to view here: ASSW KEPLER workshop v.03
ASSW participants, join us on: Saturday 20th March, 15:30-18:30 GMT
This Community Workshop brings together nationally and internationally recognised Earth Observation and in-situ monitoring Arctic experts, an aims to identify how we can better coordinate, integrate, and share in-situ observational data in order to enhance the products offered by the Copernicus Services.
For more details and to register click here: ASSW2021: Detailed Programme
]]>We are hosting a community workshop on Saturday 20th March, 15:30-18:30 GMT
‘Enhancing Copernicus 2.0 information products through optimised usage of in-situ data’
This Community Workshop brings together nationally and internationally recognised Earth Observation and in-situ monitoring Arctic experts, an aims to identify how we can better coordinate, integrate, and share in-situ observational data in order to enhance the products offered by the Copernicus Services.
For more details click here: ASSW2021: Detailed Programme
***An agenda for this event will be released later this week***
]]>We are pleased to announce that we will host a KEPLER online workshop for students and early career scientists 17-18th February.This online workshop is open for students and early career scientists within Earth Observation and who use data from Polar Regions. We will have social networking sessions, student presentations, and training sessions. Get the chance to meet KEPLER representatives and from
EU Copernicus Services.
Click here for REGISTRATION